Our association boasts a wide range of talent, and our team helps to drive our agenda. Contact the KEDA office to join one of our committees.
Work to schedule KEDA webinars
Chair: Debra Teufel (debrat@hutchchamber.com)
Fall Conference
Work to develop the Fall Conference agenda
Chair: JoAnn Knight (jknight@dodgedev.org)
Work on Legislative Platform and Legislative Day event
Chairs: Steve Kelly (skelly@lawrencechamber.com) and Andrew Nave (andrew@greaterwichitapartnership.org)
Marketing / Communications
Work to better communicate with members
Chair: Stacie Schmidt (ewcountyeconomicdevelopment@gmail.com)
Work to increase members and retention of members through member benefit identification and marketing
Chair: JoAnn Knight (jknight@dodgedev.org)